Football Coaching Resources from Glazier Clinics

Defensive Line Bull Rush Drill

Written by Glazier Football | Dec 23, 2019 7:00:00 AM

Used as a strong surge over the outside shoulder of an offensive blocker.

The bull rush is used versus linemen who lack strength or pass set inside too much.

This is an all out attempt to whip your man physically, and must be your first technique because it sets the offensive man up for all other escape moves.

1. Designing Your Bull Rush Drills:

a. No head fakes, pulls or throws, but simple power thrust and get the offensive blocker on his heels.

b. Once getting the blocker on his heels, force the blocker back into the quarterback.

c. Drive your forehead through the throat or chin of the offensive blocker, then with both hands punch through his numbers in an upward movement. Defensive lineman must keep his pads underneath the blocker.

Courtesy Coach Jerry Campbell