Essential Gap Scheme Combination Footwork: Load and Launch - Travis James

Looking to improve your technique and teaching process for gap scheme combination blocks?  Travis James' Load and Launch discussion can help stimulate your thinking.

Coach James is the Offensive Coordinator at John Carroll University in Cleveland.  The video on this post is a segment of the Glazier Drive video: O-Line Run Game Essentials: Gap Scheme Combinations.

Some of the key ideas from his presentation are listed below the video:

Universal Keys to Win as a Blocker

  • Eyes are a muscle - Use them to send the right messages to your body and buddies.
  • Loaded stances - Mental weight creates efficient movements.
  • Head, hip, and hand leverage - Fight for body and ball leverage on every snap.
  • Puncture, strain, finish - Set the physical tone every day and in every way.

Run Game Essentials

  • Fit low - Head, hips, & hands puncture aiming point.
  • Strike tight - Tight elbows & thumbs. 
  • Stay on the run - Knee drive through target and finish with violence.

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