High School Edge Stunts That Actually Work | Friday Night Game-Changers - Scott Goolsby

Auburn High School (AL) Defensive Coordinator Scott Goolsby has looked at studies of other programs and his own defenses and has concluded:

  1. The better a defense is at producing sacks and interceptions, the better it is on downs where neither occurs.

  2. On a drive without a negative play, the average FBS team scores points and touchdowns twice as often as on a drive with a negative play.

  3. On a drive without a sack, the average FBS team scores points twice as often and touchdowns three times as often as when there is a sack.

In this video, he goes through variations of one of the stunts they use.  Visit Glazier Drive to see the entire online clinic Building a High School Pressure Package out of a 4-2-5 Structure.

Why Pressure?

  • The impact it has on the game

🏈Tackles for loss
🏈Affect the quarterback

  • It's fun
  • Their payers believe in it
  • Allows players to use their instincts and teaches them to be aggressive
  • Contributes to an overall aggressive cultural and mentality

Tags: Defense, Blitz

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