


marines bw


As America's expeditionary force in readiness since 1775, the Marines are forward deployed to win our nation’s battles swiftly and aggressively in times of crisis. We fight on land, sea and air, as well as provide forces and detachments to naval ships and ground operations.

Marines have a long history of developing expeditionary doctrine and innovations that set the example while leading other countries in multinational military operations. These unique capabilities and leadership qualities make the Marines our nation’s first line of defense.


The Marine Corps defends the people of the United States at home and abroad. To do that, we make Marines who win our nation’s battles and return as quality citizens.


What sets Marines apart from any other fighting force on the globe isn’t just how they’re trained, the equipment they use or their tactics. It’s something much more primal—it’s the fighting spirit that lives within every Marine and drives them to accept nothing less than victory in all situations. That determination to win, eagerness to fight, and high standard of excellence are all traits strengthened in the Corps.


The CFT assesses a Marine’s functional fitness as it relates to the demands of fighting and winning battles. There are three exercises that must be completed to the standards of the Marine Corps to pass the CFT: Movement to Contact, Ammunition Lift and Maneuver Under Fire.

1. Movement to Contact:
A timed, 880-yard sprint tests each Marine’s endurance, mimicking the stresses of running under pressure in battle.

2. Ammunition Lift
Marines must lift a 30-pound ammunition can overhead until elbows lock out. The goal is to lift the can as many times as possible in a set amount of time.

3. Maneuver Under Fire
Marines must complete a 300-yard course that combines a variety of battle-related challenges including crawls, ammunition resupply, grenade throwing, agility running, and the dragging and carrying of another Marine.


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